Emily Mitchell, Vermont Artist and Art Educator

Emily Mitchell’s work is a vibrant celebration of nature, relationships and narratives. Through the many layers of paint and marks on canvas, she weaves a story. Her works are acrylics, mono-prints, watercolors, and collage.

Mitchell received her Masters of Art Education in 2002 from the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. There she learned the importance of letting go of what art is “supposed to be”, allowing play within the art making moment to steer creative discovery.  

Mitchell has had countless solo exhibitions in New England showing locally at Thirty Odd, in Burlington Vermont. She was featured as “Artist of the Year at Art and Art Deadlines in 2015. You can read about her art journey in this Tribe Tuesday feature.

Emily lives in Richmond, VT with her husband, two sons, and three dogs.  She teaches Painting and Ceramics at Champlain Valley Union High School. Emily is a US Masters Swimmer and coaches the EDGE Masters. She is an 2003 Ironman Lake Placid Finisher.

Detail of "Autumn Equinox"

Detail of "Autumn Equinox"

Artist Statement


My work begins with applications of miscellaneous paint on spare canvasses, and slowly evolves from loose, colorful marks into vibrant and complex "landscape stories".  The narrative imagery, abstract shapes and spaces, are all rooted in my strong connection to nature.  Often the exact composition is determined, not by a preconceived plan, but  from the marks and patterns and emotion behind the story I wish to tell. The translucent layers of color allow me to create a push and pull between foreground and background, creating a hypnotic depth and sensation of space.  

Typically, the longer your eyes linger on any of the pieces, the more you may find. Deep within the layers of paint, are the layers within of all of us – thin and thick, complex, translucent skins of color and texture, masking, but not eliminating, our shared experiences, feelings and moments.


Emily Mitchell is an artist, wife, mother, art teacher and swimmer, living and creating art in Richmond, Vermont.